Werner Rauh
URCI*: 693822217000 • WRHP-Entry: 11167 • Typus!
Taxon (Basionym):
Euphorbia platyclada Rauh
(Euphorbiaceae) — WRHP-Taxon 2341
Collected as:
«Euphorbia sp. nov.
nderlgd.-kriechend, aufstgd. im Gebüsch, bis 30 cm hoch
{procumbent to repent, ascending, in bushes, up to 30 cm tall}»
Name(s) of accession:
Euphorbia platyclada
Collected part:
photography/photographies, specimen in alcohol
Gathering date:
Location (Entry):
«km 454 zw. Amboasary S + Fort Dauphin»
Madagascar (MG) Environement: «im Gebüsch {in bushes}» |
Fieldbook page:
BG accessions:
BG Heidelberg 140483 BG Heidelberg 140164 Wilhelma BG Heidelberg 140137
Herbarium specimen:
HEID 203611
HEID 204113 [HT]
HEID 206115
Taxon set by
Christof Nikolaus Schröder (CNS) according to database of Botanical Garden and Herbarium HEID.
Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon succulent plant
There are no coordinates available for this gathering. For this reason no map is displayed.
Please cite this entry as
Title: | The Werner Rauh Heritage Project: Rauh 22170 — Euphorbia platyclada Rauh (Euphorbiaceae)
| URL: | </entry?11167> [2024-12-01] |
The project and database design have been announced in the following paper:
Authors: |
Marcus A. Koch, Christof Nikolaus Schröder, Markus Kiefer & Peter Sack (2013) |
Title: |
A treasure trove of plant biodiversity from the 20th century:
the Werner Rauh Heritage Project at Heidelberg Botanical Garden and Herbarium. |
In: |
Plant Systematics and Evolution, November 2013, Vol. 299, Issue 9, pp. 17931800. [online] |
The Werner Rauh Heritage Project was funded by: