Werner Rauh
URCI*: 704102434600 • WRHP-Entry: 13210 • Typus! cf. Entry 37473 | Entry 37483 | Entry 38369
Taxon (Basionym):
Tillandsia propagulifera Rauh
 (Bromeliaceae) — WRHP-Taxon 2118
«Till. schmale Blätter 3 m hohe Infloreszenzen, Brutsprossen in Infloreszenz»
Namen der Akzession:
Tillandsia propagulifera 
Fundort (Entry):
Peru (PE), Departamento Amazonas, Provincia Bagua, Distrito Bagua, nächster Ort Bagua 450 m.s.m. Geschätzte Genauigkeit der Fundortangabe: ±5 km |
Bemerkungen Fundort (Entry):
Rauh indicates «Milagro 400 m» and no further details (highway-km etc.) as locality in the field book. In the protologue he adds «ad ripam fluminis Rio Utcabamba» {at the bank of Rio Utcabamba}». As he drove to Nazareth further North on road 5N on 1970-08-31 it is most likely that the new Tillandsia was collected a few km NE of El Milagro, where the road touches the 450 m asl contoure line. Coordinates were taken from this point. [CNS 2014-08-20]
Locality according to HEIDRAUHFDD056_139: «Rio Utcubamba bei Milagro. [...] 450 m» [CNS 2015-10-29]
Herbarium specimen:
HEID 204788 [HT] 
HEID 700119 [HT] 
HEID 788896 [HT] 
HEID 788897 [HT] 
HEID 788898 [HT] 
HEID 788899 [HT] 
HEID 788900 [HT] 
HEID 788901 [HT] 
HEID 788902 [HT] 
HEID 788903 [HT] 
| HEID 788904 [HT] 
HEID 788905 [HT] 
HEID 788906 [HT] 
HEID 788907 [HT] 
HEID 788908 [HT] 
HEID 788909 [HT] 
HEID 788910 [HT] 
HEID 788911 [HT] 
HEID 788912 [HT] 
Bemerkungen Entry
Rauh wrote a first detailed description in his field diary at pages HEIDRAUHFDD056_137 ... HEIDRAUHFDD056_139. [CNS 2015-10-29]
Taxon gesetzt von
Christof Nikolaus Schröder (CNS) gemäß protologue and database of Botanical Garden and Herbarium HEID.
Datensatz vollständig (alle verfügbare Information in der Datenbank gespeichert)