Werner Rauh & Wilhelm Barthlott
URCI*: 734803524800 • WRHP-Entry: 17148 • Typus! cf. Entry 38277
Taxon (Basionym):
Tillandsia naundorffiae Rauh & Barthlott
(Bromeliaceae) — WRHP-Taxon 2402
Collected as:
«Till. schmale, rote Blätter
oberseits tief violett
unterseits violett gestreift
{Tillandsia [with] narrow, red leaves
on top dark purple
on underside with purple stripes}
[added later with black pencil:] nov. spec? an L. B. Smith schicken {nov spec.? to be sent to L.B. Smith}»
Name(s) of accession:
Tillandsia naundorffiae
Collected part:
herbarium specimen
Gathering date:
Location (Entry):
«[nothing indicated]»
Ecuador (EC), Provincia Zamora Chinchipe, Cantón Zamora, Parroquia Sabanilla (El Tambo), next inhabited place El Retorno, at highway E50 1600 m.s.m. Estimated precision of locality data: ±5 km |
Location comment (Entry):
On page HEIDRAUHFDD064_004 Rauh noted: «Straße führt nach Überwindung der Cordillera im Tal entlang [HEIDRAUHFDD064_005] mit stark degradiertem Bergwald. Sehr viel Viehweide. {Highway runs alongside valley with heavily degraded mountain forest after crossing of Cordillera. Much pasture.» The point, where collected plants this day, is described later on page HEIDRAUHFDD064_007 as «Erst von der Planta electrica [HEIDRAUHFDD064_008] (km) wird das Gelände etwas sanfter und die Straße etwas breiter. Hier können wir auch einige Arten sammeln. {Beginning at the Planta electrica the terrain gets a little more gradual and the highway somewhat wider. Here we can collect some species.}» The cited Planta Electrica is the «Planta Eléctrica Central San Francisco» at -3.971026, -79.064512. The locality, according to the indicated elevation, is most likely in the valley of Río Zamora, between the mouth of Río San Francisco and El Oso with El Retorno in the middle. Coordinates from El Retorno were stored in database.
See Topographic Map Ecuador 3782-II Loja Norte for details. [CNS 2018-03-06]
Location was concluded from fielddiary («FDD»): HEIDRAUHFDD064_008
Fieldbook page:
Herbarium specimen:
HEID 202174 [HT]
HEID 601548 ! [HT]
! = original specimen checked |
Entry comment:
This Tillandsia was mentioned for the first time on page HEIDRAUHFDD064_004 as «Tillandsia, ca 30 cm hoch rot gefleckte Blätter {Tillandsia, 30 cm tall, red dotted leaves}». [CNS 2018-03-06]
Taxon set by
Christof Nikolaus Schröder (CNS) according to database of Botanical Garden and Herbarium HEID.
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)