Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
The Werner Rauh Heritage Project
Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS Heidelberg)
Dept. Biodiversity and Plant Systematics
Im Neuenheimer Feld 345 • D-69120 Heidelberg • Germany

Rauh M 928 (1959)
Alluaudiopsis marnieriana

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alternative gathering number: M928
Collector(s): Werner Rauh
URCI*: 590105092800 • WRHP-Entry: 2236 • Typus!
Taxon (Basionym): Alluaudiopsis marnieriana Rauh Details on Taxon 701
(Didiereaceae) — WRHP-Taxon 701
Collected as: «Didieraceae, Decarya? Bltn. rot, von 2 Vorblättern umgeben, ca. 1 cm groß fot. {Didieraceae, Decarya? flowers red, surrounded by 2 bracteoles, ca. 1 cm big, photographed} [later added:] Alluaudiopsis marnieriana»
Name(s) of accession: Alluaudiopsis marnieriana   Tropicos
Collected part: herbarium specimen, photography/photographies, plant(s)
Gathering date: 1959-10-25
Location (Entry): «Protologue: "Brousse à Euphorbes et Didierea, ca. 20 km au nord de Tuléar, près de la côte. Rare." {Euphorbia-Didiera-bush, ca. 20 km N of Tuléar, near coast. rare}»

Madagascar (MG)
  Location is concluded from different page of the same fieldbook: HEIDRAUHFDB001_142
Location (Itinerary):
Itinerary-Id. 402
«südl.[ich] Befandriana - 150 km nördl.[ich] Tuléar bis Tuléar {between S of Befandriana - 150 km N of Tuléar [Toliara] and Tuléar [Toliara]}»

Madagascar (MG), Faritany [Province] Toliara [Tuléar], Région Atsimo-Andrefana, Fivondronana [Sous-préfecture] Morombe - Toliara [Tuléar], next inhabited place [Befandriana ?] - Toliara [Tuléar]
Estimated precision of locality data: ±60 km
Location comment (Itinerary): Rauh M 923a (1959) - M 964 (1959)
Fieldbook page: HEIDRAUHFDB001_149
Herbarium specimen:
HEID 205239 ! [IT]
HEID 702323 ! [IT]
HEID 702324 ! [IT]
HEID 702325 ! [IT]
HEID 702326 ! [IT]
HEID 702327 ! [IT]
HEID 702328 ! [IT]
HEID 702329 ! [IT]
P P00077277 ! [HT]
P P00077278 ! [HT]
P P00077279 ! [IT]
P P00077280 ! [IT]
! = original specimen checked
Taxon set by Christof Nikolaus Schröder (CNS) according to fieldbook.
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)

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Location was taken from itinerary!
Coordinates rounded to 0.1.
Exact coordinates are available on demand
with proof of scientific interest.

Search for No. Rauh
search exact
Rauh M928 | HEID 205239 Rauh M928 | HEID 205239 Rauh M928 | HEID 205239 Rauh M928 | HEID 205239 Rauh M928 | HEID 205239
Rauh M928 | HEID 702323 Rauh M928 | HEID 702324 Rauh M928 | HEID 702325 Rauh M928 | HEID 702326 Rauh M928 | HEID 702327
Rauh M928 | HEID 702328 Rauh M928 | HEID 702329

how to citePlease cite this entry as
Title: The Werner Rauh Heritage Project: Rauh M 928 (1959) — Alluaudiopsis marnieriana Rauh (Didiereaceae)
URL:</entry?2236> [2025-03-13]

The project and database design have been announced in the following paper:
Authors: Marcus A. Koch, Christof Nikolaus Schröder, Markus Kiefer & Peter Sack (2013)
Title: A treasure trove of plant biodiversity from the 20th century: the Werner Rauh Heritage Project at Heidelberg Botanical Garden and Herbarium.
In: Plant Systematics and Evolution, November 2013, Vol. 299, Issue 9, pp. 17931800. [online]

The Werner Rauh Heritage Project was funded by:
* URCI = Uniform Rauh Collection Identifier  
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