Werner Rauh
URCI*: 816405605900 • WRHP-Entry: 26542 • Typus!
Taxon (Basionym):
Tillandsia toropiensis Rauh
(Bromeliaceae) — WRHP-Taxon 2241
Collected as:
«Till. lang stammbildend bis 25 cm hoch. Infl. kürzer als die Blätter, einfach, spiralig, Brakteen leuchtend rot, Blüten weiß. Sieht aus wie eine große Strickta [= Tillandsia stricta?]. Nur 1× gefunden {Tillandsia forming long stem, up to 25 cm tall. Inflorescence shorter than the leaves, simple, spirally, bracts shining red, flowers white. Looks like a large Strickta [= Tillandsia stricta?]. Found only once}»
Name(s) of accession:
Tillandsia toropiensis
Collected part:
plant(s), photography/photographies
Gathering date:
Location (Entry):
«auf dem Weg zum Notocactus magnificus-Standort am Fluß Toropi {on the way to the Notocactus magnificus locality at Toropi river}»
Brazil (BR) Environement: «zwischen Felsblöcken wachsend {growing between boulders}» |
Location (Itinerary): Itinerary-Id. 647
«auf dem Weg zum Notocactus magnificus-Standort am Fluß Toropi, 300 m»
Brazil (BR), Região Sul, Estado Rio Grande do Sul, Municipio Microrregião de Santiago, next inhabited place Quevedos 300 m.s.m. Estimated precision of locality data: ±5 km
Location comment (Itinerary):
Coordinates taken from the point where Rio Toropi crosses the 300 msm contour line. [CNS 2015-01-23]
Fieldbook page:
BG accessions:
BG Heidelberg 103582
Herbarium specimen:
HEID 204798 [HT]
HEID 607818 [HT]
Taxon set by
Christof Nikolaus Schröder (CNS) according to protologue and database of Botanical Garden and Herbarium HEID.
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)
Location was taken from itinerary! Coordinates rounded to 0.1. Exact coordinates are available on demand with proof of scientific interest.
Please cite this entry as
Title: | The Werner Rauh Heritage Project: Rauh 56059 — Tillandsia toropiensis Rauh (Bromeliaceae)
| URL: | </entry?26542> [2024-12-01] |
The project and database design have been announced in the following paper:
Authors: |
Marcus A. Koch, Christof Nikolaus Schröder, Markus Kiefer & Peter Sack (2013) |
Title: |
A treasure trove of plant biodiversity from the 20th century:
the Werner Rauh Heritage Project at Heidelberg Botanical Garden and Herbarium. |
In: |
Plant Systematics and Evolution, November 2013, Vol. 299, Issue 9, pp. 17931800. [online] |
The Werner Rauh Heritage Project was funded by: