Werner Rauh
URCI*: 816505648400 • WRHP-Entry: 26916 • Typus! cf. Entry 26928
Taxon (Basionym):
Dyckia granmogulensis Rauh
(Bromeliaceae) — WRHP-Taxon 1518
Collected as:
«Dyckia, orangerot [later added:] aff. oligantha od. nov. spec.»
Name(s) of accession:
Dyckia granmogulensis
Collected part:
plant(s), photography/photographies
Gathering date:
Location (Entry):
«Gran Mogul Granithügel ca. 25 km südl. Milagro {Gran Mogul Granite hills ca. 25 km S of Milagro}»
Brazil (BR), Região Sudeste, Estado Minas Gerais, Municipio Grão Mogol, next inhabited place Gran Mogul [= Grão Mogol] Environement: «Granithügel {Granite hills}» Estimated precision of locality data: ±5 km |
Location (Itinerary): Itinerary-Id. 605
«Gran Mogul»
Brazil (BR), Região Sudeste, Estado Minas Gerais, Municipio Grão Mogol, next inhabited place Grão Mogol Estimated precision of locality data: ±2 km
Location comment (Itinerary):
Übernachtung {overnight stay}
Fieldbook page:
BG accessions:
BG Heidelberg 130019
Herbarium specimen:
HEID 602161 ! [HT]
HEID 602162 ! [HT]
| HEID 602163 ! [HT]
HEID 602164 ! [HT]
! = original specimen checked |
Entry comment:
An inhabited place called "Milagro" could not be found in the North of Minas Gerais! [CNS 2012-06-28]
In the protologue of Dyckia granmogulensis Rauh published "5.10.1981" as gathering date, as he indicated it in his fieldbook. That cannot be correct. Rauh definitely was at Grão Mogol on 26./27. September 1981. On 5. October he travelled from Vitória da Conquista to Itaberaba. [CNS 2012-06-29]
References: | Schütz (2011) Versieux & Wendt (2006) |
Taxon set by
Christof Nikolaus Schröder (CNS) according to Protologue and database of Botanical Gardens and Herbarium Heidelberg (HEID).
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)