Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
The Werner Rauh Heritage Project
Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS Heidelberg)
Dept. Biodiversity and Plant Systematics
Im Neuenheimer Feld 345 • D-69120 Heidelberg • Germany

Rauh K 106 (1956)
Loxanthocereus clavispinus

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alternative gathering number: K106
Collector(s): Werner Rauh
URCI*: 560042010600 • WRHP-Entry: 523 • Typus!
cf. Entry 644 | Entry 37123 | Entry 37146
Taxon (Basionym): Loxanthocereus clavispinus Rauh & Backeb. Details on Taxon 283
(Cactaceae) — WRHP-Taxon 283
Collected as: «Loxanthoc. [Loxanthocereus] K106 clavispinus
Haageoc. [Haageocereus]
[added 1957 or later:] Loxanthocereus clavispinus Rauh et Backebg. nov. spec.
20–50 cm hoch, 8–10 cm dick. Bltn. abgetrocknet: ±7–8 cm lang, mit gekrümmter u. behaarter Röhre. Wurzel sehr dick, fast rübenförmig, stark [?] verkorkt.
Säulen 14rippig. Randstacheln sehr derb, zahlreich, ± 1cm lg.; Zentralstacheln 2–3, bis 3 cm lg; im Jungtrieb an der Basis hellgrau, bereift, an der Spitze Schokoladenbraun. Blüten an der Spitze der an der Wol Basis mit Wollareolen.
{20–50 cm tall, 8–10 cm thick. Flowers dried, ±7–8 cm long, with curved and hispid tube. Root very thick, almost rapiform, very [?] corky.
Columns with 14 ribs. Radial spines very strong, numerous, ± 1cm long; central spines 2–3, up to 3 cm long; on juvenile shoot light gray at the base, pruinose, chocolate-brown at the tip. Flowers at the base with lanate areoles.}»
Name(s) of accession: Loxanthocereus clavispinus   Tropicos
Collected part: nothing indicated
Gathering date: 1956-09-21
Location (Entry): «Naszcatal [sic] {Nazca valley}»

Peru (PE), Departamento Ica, Provincia Nazca, Distrito Nazca, next inhabited place Nazca
600 m.s.m.
Estimated precision of locality data: ±10 km
Location comment (Entry): Coordinates taken from point where Rio Nazca crosses the 600 msm contour line. [CNS 2017-05-15]
Fieldbook page: HEIDRAUHFDB000C_008
Herbarium specimen:
HEID 704976 [HT]
ZSS ZSS-023484 [HT]
Entry comment: A colour image of this gathering is available at [CNS 2017-05-16]

According to HEIDRAUHFDD038_005 (line 2) Rauh passed Ica (Dept. Ica) on 1956-09-20. On the same page he cited the towns Nazca (Dept. Ica, line 3) and Palpa (Dept. Ica, lines 7, 8 & 12). Loxanthocereus sp. Rauh K 106 (1956) is cited for the first time on page HEIDRAUHFDD038_007. The next date noted in the diary is 1956-09-28 on page HEIDRAUHFDD038_034, the departure at Chala (Dept. Arequipa). The gathering date can be presumed in the first days of the interval 1956-09-20 ... 28, very likely the day after passing Ica and arriving at Nazca. [CNS 2017-05-17]
References:Rauh (1958) 119 & 304 Lit-Reference 600067
Taxon set by Christof Nikolaus Schröder (CNS) according to protologue.
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)    succulent plant

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Coordinates rounded to 0.1.
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how to citePlease cite this entry as
Author(s):Marcus A. Koch, Markus Kiefer, Andreas Franzke & Peter Sack
Title: The Werner Rauh Heritage Project: Rauh K 106 (1956) — Loxanthocereus clavispinus Rauh & Backeb. (Cactaceae)
URL:</entry?523> [2024-12-01]

The project and database design have been announced in the following paper:
Authors: Marcus A. Koch, Christof Nikolaus Schröder, Markus Kiefer & Peter Sack (2013)
Title: A treasure trove of plant biodiversity from the 20th century: the Werner Rauh Heritage Project at Heidelberg Botanical Garden and Herbarium.
In: Plant Systematics and Evolution, November 2013, Vol. 299, Issue 9, pp. 17931800. [online]

The Werner Rauh Heritage Project was funded by:
* URCI = Uniform Rauh Collection Identifier  
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