WRHP Itinerary : Id 650

« [on the way from Tarapoto to] Yurimaguas »
CountryPE : Peru
DepartamentoSan Martín
ProvinciaSan Martín
DistritoLa Banda de Shilcayo
Inhabited placeLa Banda de Shilcayo, Área de Conservación Regional «Cordillera Escalera»
Lat1 & Long1-6.4545050, -76.2897560
Elevation1000 m asl
W. Rauh was here1980-07-08
Fieldbook scan:HEIDRAUHFDB063_054
Rauh indicates «Yurimaguas», added later with black ball pen, as locality. We know that he did not reach Yurimaguas (Dept. Loreto) that day, but returned to Tarapoto. The indicated waypoint must be behind milestone km 20, between the 1000 msm contour line and the tunnel at 1050 msm, which is the pass between Tarapoto (Dept. San Martín) and Yurimaguas. Coordinates from this point were taken for this waypoint. [CNS 2015-02-16]
Entries collected at Itinerary-Point 650Rauh 53676 (Entry 25892)
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