Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg
HEIDRAUHFDB041_024 Ecuador 1970

WRHP Taxon No. 1395

Senecio meuselii Rauh (Asteraceae) Tropicos

ProtologueCactus and Succulent Journal 43(2): 55–57, fig. 1–5. [Diagnosis p. 55]
published 1971-03-01
Protologue has been verified.
HT: HEID Rauh 10707 [in spiritu sub No. accessionis 204963]

Typification according to protologueHOLOTYPUS: In herbario Inst. Syst. Bot. Heidelbergensi (HEID) conservatur.
Locus classicus according to protologueHabitat: In rupibus circum urbem Fianarantsoam Nr. collectionis: RAUH 10 707.

Names of taxon in WRHP database

Senecio meuselii Rauh (Asteraceae)


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N.B.: There may be more gatherings of this taxon than listed when clicking the link. Not all fieldbook entries have been linked to a taxon.

As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.

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