Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg
HEIDRAUHFDB041_024 Ecuador 1970

WRHP Taxon No. 1547

Aloe capmanambatoensis Rauh & Gérold (Xanthorrhoeaceae) Tropicos

ProtologueKakteen und andere Sukkulenten 51(11): 291–294; 4 fig. [Diagnosis p. 294]
published 2000-11-01
Protologue has been verified.
HT: HEID Rauh 73669a [sub No. accessionis 700171]

Typification according to protologueHolotypus: Rauh & Gerold, 73 669a, in herb. inst. syst. bot. univ. heidelberg (HEID).
[German version:]
Holotypus: Rauh 73996/a, coll. Rauh & Gerold, im Herb. Inst. Syst. Bot. Univ. Heidelberg. (HEID)
Locus classicus according to protologueDistributio: Cap Manambato, septentrionalis Vohemar (Iharana) 50 m super NN, in granite.
[German version:]
Verbreitung: Nur am Cap Manambato auf Granit, bei 50 m über NN.
CommentsSynonym according to Protologue: Aloe guillaumettii sensu Lavranos 1994, non G. Cremers 1976.
Rauh cited wrong collection-No. («73669a») in protologue. According to fieldbook HEIDRAUHFDB086_105 the correct number is «Rauh & Gerold 73996a». On Holotype specimen the correct number is indicated. [CNS 2013-03-09]

Names of taxon in WRHP database

Aloe capmanambatoensis Rauh & Gérold (Xanthorrhoeaceae)


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N.B.: There may be more gatherings of this taxon than listed when clicking the link. Not all fieldbook entries have been linked to a taxon.

As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.

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