WRHP Taxon No. 1680
Dyckia oligantha var. cristallina Rauh (Bromeliaceae) 
Protologue | Tropische und subtropische Pflanzenwelt 65: 643–644, fig. 9. (Bromelienstudien I., XX. Mitteilung: 17–18). [Diagnosis p. 643 (17)] published 1988 Protologue has been verified. | Typus | HT: HEID Rauh 67366 [sub No. accessionis 700027 & in spiritu 201150]; CT: HEID Rauh 67366 [sub No. accessionis 700028 & 602168]
| Typification according to protologue | Holotypus: RAUH 67 366 (Mai 1986), in herb. inst. bot. system. univ. heidelb. (HEID).
[German version:]
Holotypus: RAUH 67 366 (Mai 1986), im Herb. Inst. System. Bot. Univ. Heidelberg (HEID) | Locus classicus according to protologue | Patria et distributio: prope Cristallina, 800 m.s.m., Estado Goias, Brasilia.
[German version:]
Heimat und Verbreitung: auf steinigen Wiesen bei Cristallina, 800 m, Estado Goias, Brasilien | Comments | Gathering date of Holotype is erroneously cited as «Mai 1986» in protologue. Correct gathering date is 1986-04-27.
Type location in protologue and epithet of variety is erroneously written with two «l» instead of a single one, which is the correct spelling of Município Cristalina (Estado Goiás). [CNS 2012-12-14] | Names of taxon in WRHP database | Dyckia oligantha var. cristallina Rauh (Bromeliaceae)
Search database for gatherings of Taxon 1680 N.B.: There may be more gatherings of this taxon than listed when clicking the link. Not all fieldbook entries have been linked to a taxon.
As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.
The Werner Rauh Heritage Project was funded by