WRHP Taxon No. 2199
Puya laxa L.B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae) 
Protologue | Phytologia 6: 195–196, pl. 1, fig. 7–8 [Diagnosis p. 195] published 1958  Protologue has been verified. | Comments | Werner Rauh & Elvira Groß (1990) 440: Bromelien: blattsukkulent. | Names of taxon in WRHP database | Puya laxa L.B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae)
| Life form | Terrestrial [Protologue, Givnish e.a. (2014), Matiz e.a. (2013), Pierce e.a. (2001), Pierce e.a. (2002) — LPB, US]
Lithophyte [MO-1357958] | Life form references | Protologue: «collected on dry stony soil»
Givnish e.a. (2014): «Terrestrial, non tank» [Thomas J. Givnish, Michael H.J. Barfuss, Benjamin Van Ee, Ricarda Riina, Katharina Schulte, Ralf Horres, Philip A. Gonsiska, Rachel S. Jabaily, Darren M. Crayn, J. Andrew C. Smith, Klaus Winter, Gregory K. Brown, Timothy M. Evans, Bruce K. Holst, Harry Luther, Walter Till, Georg Zizka, Paul E. Berry, Kenneth J. Sytsma (2014): Adaptive radiation, correlated and contingent evolution, and net species diversification in Bromeliaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71 (2014) 55–78]
Matiz e.a. (2013): «Soil-Root» [Alejandra Matiz, Paulo Tamaso Mioto, Adriana Yepes Mayorga, Luciano Freschi & Helenice Mercier (2013): CAM Photosynthesis in Bromeliads and Agaves: What Can We Learn from These Plants? http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/56219]
Pierce e.a. (2001): «Terrestrial» [Simon Pierce, Kate Maxwell, Howard Griffiths & Klaus Winter (2001): Hydrophobis Trichome Layers and Epicutivular Wax Powders in Bromeliaceae. American Journal of Botany 88(8): 1371–1389]
Pierce e.a. (2002): «Terrestrial herbs of subfamily Pitcairnioideae (and many Bromelioideae) that use roots to acquire water and nutrients – the leaf hairs being nonabsorbent.» [Simon Pierce, Klaus Winter & Howard Griffiths (2002): Carbon isotope ratio and the extent of daily CAM use by Bromeliaceae. New Phytologist (2002) 156: 75–83]
Herbarium specimens:
LPB: «pie de la roca de Las Ruinas» {at the base of a rock at Las Ruinas} [LPB (Stephan G. Beck No. 7100) http://www.tropicos.org/specimen/2780575]
US: «stony soil near Pulquina » [US (Martín Cárdenas No. 5092 ) http://www.tropicos.org/specimen/2780583]
MO-1357958: «Habitats on rocks crevices along a moist (secondary) vegetation» [http://www.tropicos.org/specimen/3014381] |
Search database for gatherings of Taxon 2199 N.B.: There may be more gatherings of this taxon than listed when clicking the link. Not all fieldbook entries have been linked to a taxon.
As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.
The Werner Rauh Heritage Project was funded by