Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg
HEIDRAUHFDB041_024 Ecuador 1970

WRHP Taxon No. 2230

Crassula rauhii Friedrich (Crassulaceae) Tropicos

ProtologueMitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 6: 641–642, fig. 11. [Diagnosis pp. 641–642]
published 1967-10-31 Protologue
Protologue has been verified.
HT: M Rauh 12302 [Exsiccatæ: M-0108177 ex cult.]

Typification according to protologueHolotypus: RAUH 12302 M.
Locus classicus according to protologueCape Province
Distr. Clanwilliam: Farm Kleen-Kliphuis, Pakhuis-Paß, 31.10.1963. Blühend im Bot. Garten München,Mai 1967 (RAUH 12302 M!, HEID!).
CommentsFig. 11:

There is a specimen at MO (MO-247765) for the same Rauh gathering, marked as «Type Specimen». According to its label, the specimen was taken from a plant cultivated at Huntington Botanical Garden, obtained from Abbey Garden (Reseda, CA). The specimen was pressed on 1986-05-21, 19 years after the publication of the species. According to ICN Art. 8.2 this specimen is no type as it was prepared from a different gathering than the type gathering which was taken in May 1967 from a plant cultivated in Munich Botanical Garden. [CNS 2015-01-20]

Names of taxon in WRHP database

Crassula rauhii Friedrich (Crassulaceae)


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N.B.: There may be more gatherings of this taxon than listed when clicking the link. Not all fieldbook entries have been linked to a taxon.

As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.

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