WRHP Taxon No. 2301
Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii E. Gross, Rauh & Leme (Bromeliaceae) 
Protologue | Journal of the Bromeliad Society 41(2): 66–68, fig. 7–8 [Diagnosis p. 66] published 1991-03  Protologue has been verified. | Typus | HT: HEID L. Horst HU 1147 (= Rauh 56715) [exsiccatæ: HEID 602293 & HEID 700050]
| Typification according to protologue | Holotypus: B.G.H. 56 715, leg. Leopoldo Horst HU 1147, in herb. inst. bot. system. univ. heidelb. (HEID)
[English version:]
Holotype: B.G.H. 56 715, leg. Leopoldo Horst HU 1147, in Herb. Inst. System. Bot. Univ. Heidelberg (HEID).
[German version in Rauh & Gross (1990):]
Holotypus: LEOPOLDO HORST HU 1147 = B.G.H. 56 715, im Herb. Inst. System. Bot. Univ. Heidelberg (HEID). | Locus classicus according to protologue | Patria et distributio: Brasilia, Estado Bahia, Gran Mogul. [= Grão Mogol]
[English version:]
Localilty and distribution: terrestrial on sandstone rocks, near Gran Mogul, Bahia, Brazil.
[German version in Rauh & Gross (1990):]
Heimat und Verbreitung: terrestrisch auf Sandstein-Felsen, nahe Gran Mogul, Estado Bahia, Brasilien. | Comments | The meaning of the gathering number «HU 1147» is totally uncertain. In Uebelmann (1996: Horst & Uebelmann Feldnummernliste), at No. «HU 1147» the following gathering is indicated: «Notocactus ottonis aff. Vichadero, Dep. Rivera, Uruguay», without gathering date. Leopoldo Horst definitely collected no Bromeliaceae with this number, as Bromeliaceae where numbered with numbers HU 4000 ... 4099, 5000 ... 5035, and the given locality can not be the type locality, as Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii is not known from Uruguay.
Beyond that the type locality data cited in the protologue, on Holotype labels and identically in a later German translation of the protologue (Rauh & Gross 1990) is a bit confusing: Either the plant was collected at Grão Mogol, which is in Estado Minas Gerais, or it was collected in Estado Bahia, then Grão Mogol is the wrong locality. According to protologue, the species was collected by Elton M.C. Leme before 1988, first identified as Hohenbergia vestita, in the region of Diamantina (Leme & Funch 1988), which is ca. 150 km S of Grão Mogol in Estado Minas Gerais. It seems as if the type locality is Grão Mogol (Estd. Minas Gerais) and not a place in Estd. Bahia, although Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii is listed for Estd. Bahia only in REFLORA (Forzza et al. 2015) and it was collected several times in Bahia as well: leg. L.P. Queiroz 1286, 1986-11-19, Morro do Chapéu (UFP 18591). leg. W. & S. Till 4033, 1989-02-14, Palmeiras, Morro do Pai Inácio (1992-07 ex cult.: WU 0004670 ! image, WU 0004671 ! image; 1993-07-21 ex cult.: WU 0005646 ! image; 1996-04 ex cult.: U.1178042 ! image, U.1178041 ! image; 2002-09-17 ex cult.: WU 0011754 ! image, WU 0011755 ! image); leg. G. Hatschbach 60971, 1994-06-30, Rio de Contas, Mato Grosso (MBM 168624); leg. F. França 1400, 1995-10-14, Itatim, Morro do Agenor (HUEFS 20707); leg. M. Luceño 211, 1996-06-21, Palmeiras, Morro do Pai Inácio (UFP 15160); leg. M. Alves 1020, 1997-10-17, Palmeiras, Morro do Pai Inácio (UFP 20321). GBIF.org lists occurences for Estd. Bahia only, not a single one for Estd. Minas Gerais.
The gathering date on both Holotype sheets is cited as «Juni 1986», but the plant arrived Heidelberg Botanical Garden already in 1981. So the given date cannot be the gathering date of the original material ex nat. It seems as if Rauh received a living plant (from Roberto Kautzky? see Entry 27173) while he travelled through Brazil in autumn 1981. He sent it to Heidelberg [maybe labelled with a HU-number for easier customs treatment and added to a sending of Leopoldo Horst to Werner Uebelmann (Switzerland)], where it bloomed for the first time in spring and summer 1986. The first flowers are indicated on fieldbook page HEIDRAUHFDB065_115 as «21.4.86» at No. 56715. The Holotype specimen was most likely taken from the flowering plant ex cult. in June 1986, which is cited as «leg.» date on the Holotype labels. [CNS 2015-11-30]
• Forzza, R.C.; Costa, A.; Siqueira Filho, J.A.; Martinelli, G.; Monteiro, R.F.; Santos-Silva, F.; Saraiva, D. P.; Paixão-Souza, B.; Louzada, R.B.; Versieux, L. (2015): Bromeliaceae in Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Disponível em: http://reflora.jbrj.gov.br/jabot/floradobrasil/FB16606. Acesso em: 30 Nov. 2015
• Leme, E.M.C; Funch, R. (1988): Bromeliads of the Chapada Diamantina National Park. In Journal of the Bromeliad Society, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp.3–6, 33–34.
• Rauh, W.; Gross, E. (1990): Bromelienstudien. I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern (21. Mitteilung). Tropische und subtropische Pflanzenwelt: 75, pp. 44–46. | Names of taxon in WRHP database | Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii E. Gross, Rauh & Leme (Bromeliaceae)
| Life form | Terrestrial / lithophyte [Rauh (1991) — HEID 602293 & HEID 700050] | Life form references | Literature:
Rauh (1991): «terrestrial on sandstone rocks» [Rauh (1991): Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii; a New Species from Brazil, in: Journal of the Bromeliad Society 41(2): 66]
Herbarium specimens:
HEID 602293 & HEID 700050: «terrestrisch auf Sandsteinfelsen {terrestrial on sandstone rocks}» [= Holotype specimens] |
Search database for gatherings of Taxon 2301 N.B.: There may be more gatherings of this taxon than listed when clicking the link. Not all fieldbook entries have been linked to a taxon.
As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.
The Werner Rauh Heritage Project was funded by