Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg
HEIDRAUHFDB041_024 Ecuador 1970

WRHP Taxon No. 2363

Aloe prostrata subsp. pallida Rauh & Mangelsdorff (Xanthorrhoeaceae) Tropicos

ProtologueKakteen und Andere Sukkulenten 51(6): 157–159, fig. 1–4. [Diagnosis p. 159]
published 2000-06-01
Protologue has been verified.
HT: HEID Rauh 70588 [Exsiccata sub No. accessionis 702552]

Typification according to protologueHolotypus: B.G.H. 70588 [= 75588], coll. R.D. Mangelsdorff in herb. inst. syst. bot. univ. heidelberg (HEID).
[German version:]
Holotypus: B.G.H. 70588 [= 75588], coll. R. D. Mangelsdorff, im Herb. Inst. Syst. Bot. Univ. Heidelberg (HEID).
Locus classicus according to protologueDistributio: apud Analavelonam, in reliquis silvae humo imposito saxis calcis.
[German version:]
Verbreitung: Bei Analavelona (Prov. Toliary), in Waldresten, in Humus wachsend, der auf Kalkstein aufgelagert ist.
CommentsRauh cited the wrong number for Holotype in the protologue. «70588» is an Impatiens tuberosa collected by Alfred Razafindratsira in 1989. There is a note from Rauh’s hand for all records 70578 ... 70636 in the number book: «ab 70578 müssen alle folgenden Nummern 75er sein = 75578–75636 (fälschlich 70636) {from 70578 on all following numbers have to 75er numbers = 75578–75636 (erroneously 70636)}». [CNS 2015-05-28]

Names of taxon in WRHP database

Aloe prostrata subsp. pallida Rauh & Mangelsdorff (Xanthorrhoeaceae)


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As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.

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