WRHP Taxon No. 2559
Tillandsia buchlohii Rauh (Bromeliaceae) 
Protologue | Tropische und subtropische Pflanzenwelt 43: 77–79, fig. 4. (Bromelienstudien I., 14. Mitteilung: 11–13) [Diagnosis p. 77 (11)] published 1983 Protologue has been verified. | Typus | HT: HEID B.G.H. 33518 [in alcohol: HEID 204761; exsiccatæ: HEID 607569, HEID 607570, HEID 607571, HEID 607572, HEID 607573, HEID 607574, HEID 607575 & HEID 607576]
| Typification according to protologue | Holotypus: B.G.H. Nr. 33 518, im Herb. Inst. System. Bot. Univ. Heidelberg (HEID). | Locus classicus according to protologue | Heimat und Verbreitung: Paraguay, ohne Standortangabe. | Names of taxon in WRHP database | Tillandsia buchlohii Rauh (Bromeliaceae)
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As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.
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