WRHP Taxon No. 818
Tillandsia barthlottii Rauh (Bromeliaceae) 
Protologue | Tropische und subtropische Pflanzenwelt 43: 26–35, fig. 6–9 & 11. (Bromelienstudien I., 12. Mitteilung: 12–21) [Diagnosis p. 26–27 (12–13)] published 1974 Protologue has been verified. | Typification according to protologue | Holotypus: RAUH Nr. 34911 in herbario inst. bot. system. heidelbergensis (HEID) Isotypus: In U.S. Nat. Herb. Washington.
[German version:]
Holotypus: RAUH 34911, im Herb. des Inst. f. System. Bot. der Universität Heidelberg; Isotypus: U.S. Nat. Mus. Washington. | Locus classicus according to protologue | Habitat: In valle Sucua (Prov. Morana Santiago), epiphytica in arboribus generis Crescentiae apud 800m. s.m. et in vallo Zamora apud 1200–1500m. s.m. | Names of taxon in WRHP database | Tillandsia barthlottii Rauh (Bromeliaceae)
| Life form | Epiphyte | Life form references | Protologue: «epiphytica in arboribus»
Rauh e.a. (1990): «epiphytisch» [Werner Rauh, Elvira Groß (1990): Bromelien. Stuttgart (Ulmer), p. 84. ISBN 3-8001-6371-3]
Herbarium specimens:
José M. Manzanares 5999: «Epífita en dosel superior» [http://www.tropicos.org/Specimen/1706383]
José M. Manzanares 6123: «Epífita» [http://www.tropicos.org/Specimen/1706314]
MO-717348: «Epífita» [http://www.tropicos.org/Specimen/1758285]
MO-1474458: «Epiphyte» [http://www.tropicos.org/Specimen/2330226]
MO-2135653: «Hierba epífita» [http://www.tropicos.org/Specimen/3486027]
MO-2805064: «Hierba epífita» [http://www.tropicos.org/Specimen/3337069] |
Search database for gatherings of Taxon 818 N.B.: There may be more gatherings of this taxon than listed when clicking the link. Not all fieldbook entries have been linked to a taxon.
As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.
The Werner Rauh Heritage Project was funded by