Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
The Werner Rauh Heritage Project
Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS Heidelberg)
Dept. Biodiversity and Plant Systematics
Im Neuenheimer Feld 345 • D-69120 Heidelberg • Germany

Rauh 40579a
Fosterella caulescens

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Collector(s): Werner Rauh
URCI*: 765304057965 • WRHP-Entry: 21119 • Typus!
Taxon (Basionym): Fosterella caulescens Rauh Details on Taxon 1534
(Bromeliaceae) — WRHP-Taxon 1534
Collected as: «Fosterella nov.spec. caulescens Type»
Name(s) of accession: Fosterella caulescens   Tropicos
Collected part: plant(s), photography/photographies, herbarium specimen
Gathering date: 1976-08-17
Location (Entry): «Zwischen La Paz und Catanavia [= Caranavi] (Yungas) {Between La Paz and Caranavi (Yungas)}»

Bolivia (BO), Departamento La Paz, Provincia Nor Yungas, Municipalidad [Coroico ?], next inhabited place [Coroico ?]
Environement: «zerstörter Bergwald, zusammen mit Pitcairnia {destroyed mountain forest, in society with Pitcairnia}»
1200 m.s.m.
Estimated precision of locality data: ±10 km
Location comment (Entry): Coordinates were estimated from elevation on Holotype labels: Rauh travelled from La Paz to Caranavi on 1976-08-17. According to Holotype label, the taxon was collected at 1200 msm. This elevation is reached first around Coroico, where the road divides. The plant must be collected in a radius of 10 km around the valley near Coroico.

Location and environment according to Holotype specimen HEID 602182, 602183, 602184: «zwischen La Paz und Catanavia (Yungas), zerstörter Bergwald, zusammen mit Pitcairnia».

Vouchers No. HEID 602175, 602179 & 602180 indicate «bei Junias, zw. La Paz und Catanavia, 1200m» {«near Junias, between La Paz and Catanavia, 1200m»} as location, vouchers No. 602174, 602176–602178 & 602181 indicate «zw. La Paz und Catanavia, 1200m, terrestrisch im Bergwald» {«between La Paz and Catanavia, 1200 m, terrestric in mountain forest»} as location. [CNS 2012-07-31]
  Location is concluded from different page of the same fieldbook: HEIDRAUHFDB053_114
Fieldbook page: HEIDRAUHFDB053_117
BG accessions: BG Heidelberg 103532  Info BG Heidelberg
Herbarium specimen:
FR FR-0030848
HEID 204662 ! [HT]

HEID 204663 ! [HT]
HEID 204664 ! [HT]
HEID 602127 ! [HT]
HEID 602174 ! [HT]
HEID 602175 ! [HT]
HEID 602176 ! [HT]
HEID 602177 ! [HT]
HEID 602178 ! [HT]
HEID 602179 ! [HT]
HEID 602180 ! [HT]
HEID 602181 ! [HT]
HEID 602182 ! [HT]
HEID 602183 ! [HT]
HEID 602184 ! [HT]
HEID 602185 ! [HT]
U U.1177810 (!) [CT]
US 2852498 (!) [IT]
W 2000-06672 (!) [CT]
W 2000-06673 (!) [CT]
W 2000-06674 (!) [CT]
! = original specimen checked | (!) = image of specimen checked
GenBank: EU219668 | AY949995 | EU681840 | HQ167920
HQ167815 | HQ1833551 | HQ1831181 | HQ1824711
HQ1830761 | HQ1830381 | HQ1829161 | HQ1825551
HQ1809471 | HQ1805871 | HQ1805441 | HQ1828741
HQ1813641 | HQ1813251 | HQ1812841 | HQ1812401
HQ1811981 | HQ1811551 | HQ1811141 | HQ1810341
HQ1809061 | HQ1808661 | HQ1825131 | HQ1824281
HQ1821321 | HQ1820891 | HQ1820471 | HQ1820031
HQ1819601 | HQ1819171 | HQ1818741 | HQ1818321
HQ1817891 | HQ1817491 | HQ1817061 | HQ1816631
HQ1816201 | HQ1815781 | HQ1815351 | HQ1814941
HQ1814511 | HQ1823861 | HQ1823421 | HQ1823001
HQ1822581 | HQ1822161 | HQ1821731 | HQ1829981
HQ1829571 | HQ1828341 | HQ1827931 | HQ1827511
HQ1827151 | HQ1826781 | HQ1826361 | HQ1825981
HQ1832781 | HQ1832041 | HQ1831611 | HQ1807851
HQ1807501 | HQ1807111 | HQ1805011 | HQ1804581
HQ1833921 | HQ1836411 | HQ1836061 | HQ1834311
HQ1814071 | HQ1810751 | HQ1809911 | HQ1836841
HQ1835701 | HQ1835391 | HQ1835041 | HQ1834671
HQ1808251 | HQ1806731 | HQ1806301 | HQ1804151
EU681845 | EU681839 |
1 Erroneously cited as «W. Rauh 40573A»

References:Givnish, Ames, McNeal, McKain et. al. (2010) Lit-Reference 600024
Rex, Schulte, Zizka, Peters et. al. (2009) Lit-Reference 600034
Schulte, Horres & Zizka (2005) Lit-Reference 600023
Wagner, Silvestro, Brie, Ibisch et. al. (2013) Lit-Reference 600026
Taxon set by Christof Nikolaus Schröder (CNS) according to fieldbook and Herbarium specimen.
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)

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Coordinates rounded to 0.1.
Exact coordinates are available on demand
with proof of scientific interest.

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how to citePlease cite this entry as
Title: The Werner Rauh Heritage Project: Rauh 40579a — Fosterella caulescens Rauh (Bromeliaceae)
URL:</entry?21119> [2025-03-13]

The project and database design have been announced in the following paper:
Authors: Marcus A. Koch, Christof Nikolaus Schröder, Markus Kiefer & Peter Sack (2013)
Title: A treasure trove of plant biodiversity from the 20th century: the Werner Rauh Heritage Project at Heidelberg Botanical Garden and Herbarium.
In: Plant Systematics and Evolution, November 2013, Vol. 299, Issue 9, pp. 17931800. [online]

The Werner Rauh Heritage Project was funded by:
* URCI = Uniform Rauh Collection Identifier F
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