Leopoldo Horst
URCI*: 816505671500 • WRHP-Entry: 27173 • Typus!
Taxon (Basionym):
Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii E. Gross, Rauh & Leme
 (Bromeliaceae) — WRHP-Taxon 2301
Collected as:
«Neoregelia HU 1147
[added 1986-04-21:] Hohenbergia nov. spec. 21.4.86»
Name(s) of accession:
Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii 
Collected part:
Gathering date:
Location (Entry):
«nahe Gran Mogul [= Grão Mogol] {near Grão Mogol}, Estado Bahia, Brasilien»
Brazil (BR), Região Sudeste, Estado Minas Gerais, Municipio Grão Mogol, next inhabited place Grão Mogol Environement: «terrestrisch auf Sandsteinfelsen {terrestrial on sandstone rocks}» Estimated precision of locality data: ±20 km |
Location comment (Entry):
There is no locality data in the fieldbook. Locality taken from Holotype labels. A detailed discussion of type locality is found in taxon dataset. [CNS 2015-04-14]
Location was concluded from herbarium specimen: HEID 602293 & HEID 700050
Fieldbook page:
Herbarium specimen:
HEID 602293 [HT] 
HEID 700050 [HT] 
Entry comment:
It is totally unclear what Rauh ment with the number «HU 1147» The abbreviation «HU» was originally used by Leopoldo Horst and later by his son Kurt-Ingo Horst; the meaning of the abbreviation is «Horst & Uebelmann» (see «HU 1147» is a gathering of Notocactus ottonis A. Berger, made in Uruguay (Vichadero, Dept. Rivera) only 20 km from the Brazilian border.
The gathering of the new Hohenbergia was not made by Rauh but collected by Leopoldo Horst. Rauh received material of this new Hohenbergia as Neoregelia from Roberto Kautsky, who accompanied him several times in Brazil, e.g. in 1981. [CNS 2015-04-14]
Taxon set by
Christof Nikolaus Schröder (CNS) according to database of Botanical Garden and Herbarium HEID.
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)